Alain +1 (829) 557-1511 / Isabelle +1 (829) 918-8989

Follow the project – Villa Tamara

Cleaning the grounds

March 2019

Pouring the foundations of the 1st stage

April 2019

The ground floor rises

May 2019

Pouring individual pools

May 2019

Floor of the 2nd floor

June 2019

The 2nd floor rises

July 2019

Creation and compaction of the interior street

July 2019

The roofs

July 2019

The reception

August 2019

Roof finishing

September 2019

VRD and preparation of the beach access road before asphalting

October 2019

Structural work and interior street

January 2020

Beginning of the finishes

March 2020

Finishes common areas and beach access street

June 2020

Delivery Villa Tamara

July 2020